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Graniteville Cemetery - Graniteville SC Haunted Place

  • Gregg Highway
  • Graniteville, SC
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  (3 reviews)
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Real Haunted Cemeteries
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Yes - Open To Public
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A witch spirit is said to haunt this cemetery late at night, placing flowers on children's graves. Visitors have reported eerie occurrences here, including the sound of gunshots, screams and laughter. Some have even reported that the dead have reached up and grabbed their feet.
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  • My Grand parents and aunt are buried here

    I’ve never seen anything happen though. I could see where it would be real creepy at night. This cemetery has graves dating back to the 1700’s so it has a long history. Of interest is the grave of a child that died in the area in the 1800’s. A passenger train used to come through an area, and a boy under 10 got off the train. He was not with an adult. The child had gotten ill and died. The child’s name was also unknown. To this day people honor his grave by placing toys on the gravesite.

    Posted 10/30/24

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  • It talked back

    I was about 16 years old and my mom my step dad and older sister went to the cemetery (we live in Augusta) my mom had her phone out recording while we was there we walked around mom make the comment about it not being scary and my stepdad made the comment asking the name of the ghost (guessing they got a response to the first question) well both times someone answered back the first comment it replied “I can scare u” the second reply was a name it sounded like Victoria/Victisha we also took pictures and saw orbs a bunch of them u always feel like ur being watched from behind I’ve been wanting to go back just to see if it’ll happen again

    Posted 7/19/24

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  • haunt

    feet grabbing

    Posted 2/28/17

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    5 out of 8 found this review helpful

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,096
Last edit to this listing: 11/9/2016 (3015 days ago)

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