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Cry Baby Bridge - Anderson SC Haunted Place

  • High Shoals Road
  • Anderson, SC
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  (3 reviews)
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Real Haunted Bridges & Overpasses
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The Cry Baby Bridge is closed off for vehicles, but it is still accessible on foot. All you have to do is walk along the path of Cry Baby Creek, the very same creek where a young mother lost her infant in the waters. If you visit the bridge late at night, you can hear the cries of the child and sometimes you can see the apparition of the young mother, desperately searching for her baby.
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    First - the bridge is on private property so you need permission to investigate. The bridge was moved 2 times before ending in it's final spot. We did some historic research, and when the bridge was in Charleston, there was a man that fell off the bridge. As he was falling, he screamed his newborn baby's name. We did hear a man screaming faintly before the sun went down. After dark, the bridge took on a much darker personality. We had an entity completely knock us down as it charged us. Every one of us had a personal experience.

    Posted 11/20/24

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  • My experience at crybaby bridge

    My aunt said mama I got your baby once normally, second time was louder, and last time she practically screamed it. I rolled down my window, looked outside with a flashlight, then she looked at hers with the flashlight without rolling it down, and we saw dragged down fingerprints. I screamed at her to drive above the speed limit.

    Posted 1/2/21

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    4 out of 7 found this review helpful

  • cry baby bridge

    Me and my bff her bf and my bf went last night and I seen the mother looking for her baby in the pic I took and also when I got back to the car we seen hand prints on the car window and when my friends walked across and cams back they legs was shaky and hardly could walk

    Posted 6/23/19

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    13 out of 18 found this review helpful

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Last edit to this listing: 11/9/2016 (3015 days ago)

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